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Tips for making sustainable choices

    The residents of Breda are fully engaged in making their lives more sustainable. Are you joining in too? Discover in this blog 10 tips on how you can do this at home as well!

    DIY Toothpaste

    Did you know that your regular toothpaste is actually quite polluting for the environment? Fortunately, toothpaste is also very easy to make yourself with just 3 ingredients. First, you need baking soda, to which you add a few drops of peppermint oil and finally coconut oil.

    See here for further instructions.

    Making compost from banana peels

    Buying fertiliser is not always the best option. However, there is a substitute for fertiliser that you can easily make yourself. All you need is a jug of water and banana peels. You cut the banana peels into pieces and place them in a jug of water that you cover. After waiting for 24 hours, the fertiliser is ready to use. This banana peel fertiliser contains, among other things, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, and potassium. So you waste less and take care of your plants!

    See here for a video with further instructions.

    DIY Dry Shampoo

    Dry shampoo is a super handy product when your hair starts to get greasy. How easy is it if you can even make this yourself! You only need two ingredients for this. These ingredients are corn starch and baking soda. If you have dark hair, you can also add cocoa powder to darken the colour of the mixture.

    Click here for a video with more explanation.

    DIY Cleaning Agent

    Cleaning products are very easy to make with household items. This option is cheaper and also much more sustainable. For example, you can make an all-purpose cleaner with water, white vinegar, lemon juice, and possibly essential oil.

    More tips? Discover them here!

    Make natural skin care

    Did you know that you can make your own skincare? All you need is a branch from an aloe vera plant. The gel inside these branches is super nourishing for your skin. All you have to do is cut open the branch and scrape out the gel. You mix the gel for a bit with a hand blender and pour it through a sieve into a jar. You now have your own homemade skincare, which is also sustainable.

    Check out here for the full explanation.

    DIY Beeswax Wraps

    Every day, many people still use plastic to take their food with them, cover food, or keep fruits and vegetables fresh. But this can be done without plastic, using a beeswax wrap. And you can even make these yourself! All you really need is a piece of fabric, beeswax pellets, and an oven. These wraps are super sustainable and can also look nice!

    See here for a video with further instructions!

    Clothing repair

    We can often use our clothes for much longer than we think. Especially if you repair your own clothing. This is super sustainable and also a lot of fun to do. Often it's also really easy, and you really only need a needle, thread, and a little bit of patience.

    Discover how on this page!

    Sustainable Christmas trees

    Did you know that your Christmas tree is actually not sustainable at all? Fortunately, there are options for an alternative. You can, for example, plant your Christmas tree in your garden after use. If this is not possible, you can also have it picked up by various organisations that will replant it. If you choose a fake Christmas tree, make sure to buy a second-hand one. This way, you can still bring a Christmas tree into your home in a more sustainable way!

    See here for a video with more tips.

    Packing gifts

    You're probably wrapping your gifts with wrapping paper. Unfortunately, this paper usually ends up in the bin quite quickly. How great would it be if you could reuse your wrapping paper? Here is a lovely solution for that, namely the furoshiki wrapping technique. With this technique, you use a piece of fabric instead of wrapping paper. This fabric is very easy to reuse. And another plus: it also looks super creative!

    Click here for inspiration.

    Replanting plants and herbs yourself

    Did you know that supermarkets intentionally put their herb plants in pots that are too small, causing the plants to die quickly? You can prevent this by repotting your plants yourself. To do this, remove the old pot and gently separate the plant's roots. Now you can divide the plant into two or three and plant it in a larger pot. This way, you'll enjoy your plants for much longer and be environmentally friendly.

    Check out here how to do it!

    More green Breda