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De Baroness en De Eerwaarde

The artworks De Barones (1997) and De Eerwaarde (1997) were created by the artist Carla Rutgers, who was born in Gouda. They are located on the first floor of Shopping Centre de Barones.

The sculptures De Barones and De Eerwaarde were created by the artist Carla Rutgers, who was born in Gouda. They are located on the first floor of Shopping Centre de Barones. 

De Barones is sitting on the bench to the left, a naked lady with a boa (1997). De Eerwaarde (1997) stands on the right side and looks over the railing. 

To see De Barones and De Eerwaarde, take the escalator or lift to the first floor behind Luizaerc on the right.

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